
nothen goes~~~PART1 –

this post actually no RANT AT ALL _ LOLOLOL~~~~

The last time i posted s0mething sensical here, hell i dunno. Im not
saying this things im telling every0ne this day have sense.. For sure, it
won’t hit anything but this is kinda very go0d post for me.. Im
telling what’s running on my mind. It won’t stop until im t0o tired to think
of any. Please..Expect the worse! It’s like ur reading a one heck of
novel with milli0n authors.. It will never collide,though. But still
hoping. Im in the m0od to talk and i wont stop. Im sleepy but i dunno,
something forced and kick my butt to do this.. Yeah..That wasn’t true..
Well,let’s start..
D0nt care what people might think afterwards.. And hell yeah.. No one
read this so i can go 0n..
The past m0nths im so fucking busy.. Have my o.J.T and also d0ing a
thesis so i can graduate.. It’s t0o stressful.. I have evidence..Got a
little alopecia ,
–Y’knw.. It’s a hair loss prblem.. It’s just a little sp0t, but its
fucking ugly. I n0ticed it when im in my 2nd m0nth of my o.Jt..But g0od g0d
the hair gr0ws back. But being so concious bout hair loss, falling
hair, alopecia or anything bout hair kills me! Ugh! It added up to my l0ng
list of the things who affects my o.C disorder.. Yah! Im n0t psych0~
[but everyb0dy says i am though lol-] .. Ah.. Its a disorder .. It’s a
mental disorder.. It’s like u cant stop doing s0mething until u cant
feel u already d0ne doing it. Like me.. Before[yeah, b4..When i was in my
highsch0ol year..I cant sleep at night when the thought that the do0r
in the veranda were still open, so i’l go there and lock it.. And then
i’l go to bed. In just fuckn 2 mins, im so achey and thkning "i
already locked the do0r, didnt i?; and bc0z cnt stop…
–I’ll go to the do0r, open it and lock it. Fuck.. Im d0ing it every
single minute! I w0nt stop until im n0t c0nvinced that i already lock that
darn d0or. Same as the plugs. Oh! That one is the craziest! Before i
was like, a security guard, l0oking and checking every single plug insde
d h0use! Oh! C’m0n! Think! H0w many plugs do h0uses have? Dnt dare to
tell one and i’ll kill myself! Haha.. G0odthing i overc0me those 2.. N0w
the one really retained is th0se things i cant bear to leave or lost..
My wallet, ph0ne and id.. [since im n0t a student anym0re i.D d0esnt
bel0ng anym0re..Yay!].. Haha.. G0od g0d..Sigh.. Im really sure helping
myself.. G0odthing i didnt breakd0wn or cut anything .. Im em0ti0nal
these past few m0nths and alm0st cried everynyt. Yay! Am i already an em0
or what?!* NO WAYYYY


Let’s kill the KING —

Let’s kill the KING–

Kill the butt–

open my head..

and you’ll see..

It’s fucking damn empty.

Know why?

I also don’t know.. 

Maybe this place is okay…

crying is okay here






It is in korean language..
And I don’t know why this song hits me..


watch-out for DEAR CLOUDS…
the guy in the PV is COffe Prince’s WAFFLE SUN KI.


tsubasa trey 

vol. In my heart ^18.01.08^

You can just stop the RAIN fr0m falling..

It is also like, u cant stop someone from leaving you..

They’ll leave you for a reas0n and that’s for sure.

One of the closest friend i have, Pantsukebero’s

[pantsu + sukebe + ero =patrick] 

 ojii-san died last friday m0rning.. Ojiji is old already and sick
 also for a long time, so i think now he can take a peaceful rest.. Me,
 hachi, yeye and clara visited the funeral.. Alth0ugh the atm0sphere is kinda gl0omy, [and yeah u cant expect that s0me0ne act so happy when s0me0ne died,] pantsu said it is okay for them but they d0nt expect it bc0z after bringing ojiji to the h0sptal weeks ago, ojji’s kinda impr0ving but yeah this happened and they now give ojiji to our creator in heaven..

S0me classmates also came.. After h0urs of talking  we decided to go home ar0und 6:00 pm.



Note: WTF?~! who the hell is Tsubasa Trey??? haha.. another baka mind.. haha.. well, just so IMAI .. and I’m kinda like collarbones again.. lol** faints.. ohh..
